Testimonial Block

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed quis metus hendrerit, scelerisque ante quis, ullamcorper urna. Vivamus mattis, dui id ornare convallis, turpis risus congue leo, eget pretium turpis lorem fringilla felis. Nam ac lorem eget quam aliquet mollis id et orci. Vivamus imperdiet metus id ante tempor, eget pulvinar dui vestibulum. Cras justo neque, dictum nec dapibus rhoncus, porta sed lacus. Mauris ornare faucibus lacus, eu eleifend eros. Mauris finibus justo in eros tristique lobortis. Praesent sed lectus sit amet velit consectetur sagittis.

James Norton

CEO – Fantastic Business

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed quis metus hendrerit, scelerisque ante quis, ullamcorper urna. Vivamus mattis, dui id ornare convallis, turpis risus congue leo, eget pretium turpis lorem fringilla felis. Nam ac lorem eget quam aliquet mollis id et orci. Vivamus imperdiet metus id ante tempor, eget pulvinar dui vestibulum. Cras justo neque, dictum nec dapibus rhoncus, porta sed lacus. Mauris ornare faucibus lacus, eu eleifend eros. Mauris finibus justo in eros tristique lobortis. Praesent sed lectus sit amet velit consectetur sagittis.

James Norton

CEO – Fantastic Business

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed quis metus hendrerit, scelerisque ante quis, ullamcorper urna. Vivamus mattis, dui id ornare convallis, turpis risus congue leo, eget pretium turpis lorem fringilla felis. Nam ac lorem eget quam aliquet mollis id et orci. Vivamus imperdiet metus id ante tempor, eget pulvinar dui vestibulum. Cras justo neque, dictum nec dapibus rhoncus, porta sed lacus. Mauris ornare faucibus lacus, eu eleifend eros. Mauris finibus justo in eros tristique lobortis. Praesent sed lectus sit amet velit consectetur sagittis.

James Norton

CEO – Fantastic Business

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed quis metus hendrerit, scelerisque ante quis, ullamcorper urna. Vivamus mattis, dui id ornare convallis, turpis risus congue leo, eget pretium turpis lorem fringilla felis. Nam ac lorem eget quam aliquet mollis id et orci. Vivamus imperdiet metus id ante tempor, eget pulvinar dui vestibulum. Cras justo neque, dictum nec dapibus rhoncus, porta sed lacus. Mauris ornare faucibus lacus, eu eleifend eros. Mauris finibus justo in eros tristique lobortis. Praesent sed lectus sit amet velit consectetur sagittis.

James Norton

CEO – Fantastic Business

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed quis metus hendrerit, scelerisque ante quis, ullamcorper urna. Vivamus mattis, dui id ornare convallis, turpis risus congue leo, eget pretium turpis lorem fringilla felis. Nam ac lorem eget quam aliquet mollis id et orci. Vivamus imperdiet metus id ante tempor, eget pulvinar dui vestibulum. Cras justo neque, dictum nec dapibus rhoncus, porta sed lacus. Mauris ornare faucibus lacus, eu eleifend eros. Mauris finibus justo in eros tristique lobortis. Praesent sed lectus sit amet velit consectetur sagittis.

James Norton

CEO – Fantastic Business

Style & Image Settings

This section will help you set up the block. Let’s take a look at the available options.

  1. Styles: Choose if you want to display a default square shaped avatar or a rounded one.
  2. Image Width: Set a fixed width for the image.
  3. Alt Text: Set the alternative text of the image, useful for screen reader users.
  4. Image Size: Set the source size of the image by picking among the available ones in your installation.

Notice that the Image Width option has three icons next to the label. These are the Desktop, Tablet and Mobile icons. By clicking each icon you can separately modify the control’s values for each device.

Layout & Text Settings

This section will help you configure the block’s layout and text. Let’s take a look at the available options.

  1. Avatar Position: Select the location of the avatar relative to the text.
  2. Content Font Size: Control the font size of the content either via a drop down of preset values or by setting an exact pixel value in the input.
  3. Citation Font Size: Control the font size of the citation either via a drop down of preset values or by setting an exact pixel value in the input.
  4. Info Font Size: Control the font size of the info text either via a drop down of preset values or by setting an exact pixel value in the input.

Notice that the Font Size options have three icons next to the label. These are the Desktop, Tablet and Mobile icons. By clicking each icon you can separately modify the control’s values for each device.

Block Appearance

Under the block appearance tab you can control how the block looks. Let’s check out the options.

  1. Text Color: This option allows you to set the color of the block’s text.
  2. Background Color: This option controls the testimonial’s background color.
  3. Border: This option allows you to select the border style via the drop down and then select the border color and width.
  4. Border Radius: This option allows you to round the block’s corners.
  5. Box Shadow: This option allows you to apply an inset/outset box shadow, its color, spread, blur radius and offset.
  6. Padding: With this option you can individually (or collectively) control the padding on each side of the block.
  7. Margin: With this option you can individually (or collectively) control the margin on each side of the block.

Notice that the Padding and Margin options have three icons next to their label. These are the Desktop, Tablet and Mobile icons. By clicking each icon you can separately modify the values of padding/margin for each device.

Visibility Settings

Via the Visibility Settings you can hide the block for certain type of device or user.

The Viewport visibility toggles allow you to hide the block on desktops, tablets and mobiles. You can choose to hide it on more than one device type.

The Authentication visibility toggles allow you to display the block only to logged in or logged out users.

Animation Settings

Via the Animation controls panel you can set up how you want the block to animate upon entering the viewport as your visitors scroll.

  1. Animation type: Choose the animation type for the block. You can select from Fade, Slide Up / Down / Left / Right, Zoom In / Out, and Flip Up / Down / Left / Right. Set to None if you want to disable the animation.
  2. Duration: Controls how long the animation will take from start to finish. Defaults to 0.7 seconds.
  3. Delay: Controls the delay from the moment the element enters the viewport to the moment when the animation will begin.
  4. Easing: Controls the animation’s easing. Refer to the easings page for a visual representation.
  5. Repeat animation: Repeat the animation for the block every time it enters the viewport. While your users scroll down the animation will fire, and when they scroll back up it will fire again. Every time the block leaves the viewport the animation will be reset.

Note: If you don’t plan on using animations you can turn them off globally in Settings > GutenBee settings. You can disable the “Enable block animation controls” checkbox and the animation panels and scripts will stop showing up and loading.